Friday, November 6, 2009

Recreation Therapists Appreciate Pyro Platforms

I recently presented this product to a group of recreation therapists @ GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre. They agreed with me that one of the big benefits of the Pyro platforms is the ability to put them on in a stable sitting position. They have acquired one pair and hope to acquire additional ones for the bicycle fleet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Canadian Contact Information

If you are interested in acquiring Pyro Platforms or wish to get further information I can be contacted be email

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pyro Platforms for Rehabilitation

During my rehabilitation, one of the frustrating things was trying to keep my weak foot on the pedals of a normal exercise bike. Straps, velcro even good old duct tape didn't work. Pyro Platforms provide the benefits of clipped pedalling without the need for cycling shoes. Cycle cleats are attached to the rigid, size-adjustable platform enabling their use with clipped pedals. The platforms have a usable size range of size 5 - 12 and have a velcro tightening strap with an easy to hold D-ring strap.

Clipped pedalling has a real advantage in re-training leg function as initially the strong leg can lead the weak leg in learning the muscle movement. Additionally, clipped pedalling enables spin movement activating the hamstrings and gleuteals in addition to the quadriceps.

Pyro Platforms have a significant advantage in the physiotherapy environment as patient changeover can be accomplished very quickly with only minor adjustment time. Each patient can experience the advantages of clipped pedalling.